Thursday, October 30, 2008

Matoran Convention Address

Hello, people, (yes, not the High Charity delegate), would like you to read this address by Turaga Dume in the Matoran Convention at the Coliseum, Metru Nui this off You-Tube sometime back, don't know if it is still there. This is the opening introductory address by Turaga Dume, before he continues with other Matoran affairs, but I thought it may be pretty inspirational for J1s and J2s, since we are having A-levels or PW.
Here's where I found the link:
Note: Go search this at your own peril. The author is not responsible for whether the link is still there or if it even exists in the first place...
Delegates present:
1. Ta Matoran delegation of Ta Metru
2.Ga Matoran delegation of Ga Metru
3.Le Matoran delegation of Le Metru
4.Po Matoran delegation of Po Metru
5.Onu Matoran delegation of Onu Metru
6.Ko Matoran delegation of Ko Metru
7.Fe Matoran delegation of Nynrah
8.Av Matoran delegation of Karda Nui
9.De Matoran delegation of Tren Kom Peninsula
10.NJC Music Programme delegation?
Turaga Dume's Address:
"Dear delegates, before I commence with my speech, I would like to draw attention to a particular point in life of the JC and IP Year 1 and Year 2 students in NJC. These students are taking their A-levels or their Project Work in this and the next month, a task that takes arduous effort and determines their path of their lives, depending on the outcome. Hence, as you may have imagined, they are under a good deal of stress and duress as they strive to achieve the best that they can. In particular, for the J2s/IP4, this is the culmination of their labours in the education system, the pinnacle of academic achievement within the system.

Hence, let us all, Matoran, Makuta, Students alike, support these students in their endeavours that they may progress to their fullest extent, as they can all do with all the support they need as they traverse this difficult path to success.

Let us remember then the journeys of the Toa Nuva across the Universe Core, or Mangaia, or the Toa Mahri in the sea. Are not journeys like these similar to what these students may be going through? They have waited for so long before they have finally stepped onto this last path.

Let me also draw attention then to their preceding 2/4 years in the wondrous College. Have not they to put in their efforts throughout these years for this last step? They have worked hard, prospered within the Music Room, where the Boss holds dominion, put in extra hours for project work, studied, practiced, studied, composed and still studied some more for the final culmination of their labours. Go, then with our support, that this may be your finest hour yet, and then you may perform to the fullest extent of you ability.

As to the J1s, you have our support for your Projects that you may triumph over the last obstacle (Oral Presentation, I think) and excel to the highest of your qualities.

Even so, let me remind you (everyone present also) that it is not just grades that matter (although they are quite important), but also the knowledge that you have put in a good effort and doing your best, which is what too makes a difference, as you realise that you have tried you best to prosper. All these years you have learnt much from the College, under its aegis. It is now time to put that in practice.
Furthermore, remember, that this is but a step, with many more steps to take as you progress on to your final goal.

Therefore, fellow NJCians, do not waver, but surge forward in your endeavours, and best of luck. Remember, the 3 Matoran Virtues: Unity, Duty and Destiny, given to us by the Great Spirit, Mata Nui. You have achieved Unity with each other, one of the many things found in this College, and have done your Duty to the College. Now, it is the time to work forward, and fulfil your Destiny, as the Great Spirit Mata Nui would agree, and I think I have the agreement of the Music Programme (and its Hierarchs) in this too.

And now for updates from the Toa Nuva at Karda Nui..."
(End of Introductory address)
J1s, IP1s and 2s, did your attend this speech at Metru Nui?

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