Thursday, November 27, 2008

"La Fin Du Temps"

From the newspaper website, This is a news website on the internet orginally entitled the Mata Nui Times. This is an extract of an article written by the current Chronicler, Kopeke, in the Foreign News section.

As follows:


Today, from the Coliseum, Turaga Dume (pronounced Du-ma) congratulated the J2s of National Junior College's Music Programme for successfully completely their Music paper. The Turaga expressed his delight that these students have managed to finish off all their endeavors, and henceforth are free from the domineering presence of their (ahem) Hunter.

"I am extremely pleased to hear that the NJC students have finally finished their Music A-Level examinations. This is a wondrous culmination after all the hard work and late nights, especially in Composition and Practical. Although this paper was only worth 40%, I am sure that the J2s have put in a vast amount of effort in dtudying for this paper. May they prosper for the paper.

This is also a culmination of two years worth of hard work for The Boss. He has trained the Old Guard to take on this challenge posed by some (ahem) people. I hope that his credit in this can be recognised, and I heartily congratulate him for going all out with the J2s"

Others in Metru Nui interviewed expressed a similiar view to the Turaga. Toa Krakua, servant of the Order of Mata Nui, said, "Good stuff! I hope the J2s get distinction for Music!" when interviewed by reporters. Makuta Mutran commented similiarly, saying, "Bring it on! For those who don't believe that the J2s can make it, BO CHAP LAH!"

Now, the Old Guard have left and the new J1s would soon be ascending into the next level. This is a momentous event and we of the Metru Nui Times would like to congratulate and well-wish the J1s.

This Chronicler would also like to offer a bit of advice for the upcoming J1s. It is this: while after A-levels may sound good, do not relish it too much. It would be the end of predictability in your lives as from now on, you would have to choose your paths more indpendently. 12 years of predictability in your lives are extremely precious, and you can easily plan what to do within the fixed system of the school curriculum. Without this, you will not know what to expect from now on as there is no longer any fixed path for you to follow.

Treasure your unity, Do your Duty, and Follow your Destiny. That is what this Chronicler would have to say about this to the present J1s. Treasure your Music Lessons too.

In honour of their achievements, the Metru Nui Philharmonic have arranged a concert to celebrate the leaving of the J2s at Kini Nui. Items are prepared in top secret of course, but this Chronicler managed to find out what some of the items are and who are the favourite soloists:

Bach's Brandenburg Concerto no.2 in F major BWV 1047. Soloists: Vamprah, Antroz and Chirox

Bach's Concerto for 2 Harpsichords in C major BWV 1061. Harpsichordists: Krika and Gorast

Gallo's Trio Sonatas nos. 1, 2, 8 and 11. Played by Les Barraki


Stravinsky's Octet, performed by the Piraka

Satie's Sonatine Bureaucratique. Pianist: Toa Matoro

Poulenc's Concert Champetre. Conducted by Turaga Nuju, with the harpsichordist as Toa Kopaka Nuva

Milhaud's Saudades do Brasil: Corcovado and Ipanema. Played by Les Barraki

Hindemith's Kammermusik no.7. Conducted by Turaga Matau, with the organist as Toa Kongu

The Chronicler would encourage all the Matoran of Metru Nui to come for this concert in celebration of the J2s'

Yes, everyone, it would be nice if you could go to that concert too. It is probably 7th or 6th of January 2009.

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