Thursday, November 27, 2008
"La Fin Du Temps"
As follows:
Today, from the Coliseum, Turaga Dume (pronounced Du-ma) congratulated the J2s of National Junior College's Music Programme for successfully completely their Music paper. The Turaga expressed his delight that these students have managed to finish off all their endeavors, and henceforth are free from the domineering presence of their (ahem) Hunter.
"I am extremely pleased to hear that the NJC students have finally finished their Music A-Level examinations. This is a wondrous culmination after all the hard work and late nights, especially in Composition and Practical. Although this paper was only worth 40%, I am sure that the J2s have put in a vast amount of effort in dtudying for this paper. May they prosper for the paper.
This is also a culmination of two years worth of hard work for The Boss. He has trained the Old Guard to take on this challenge posed by some (ahem) people. I hope that his credit in this can be recognised, and I heartily congratulate him for going all out with the J2s"
Others in Metru Nui interviewed expressed a similiar view to the Turaga. Toa Krakua, servant of the Order of Mata Nui, said, "Good stuff! I hope the J2s get distinction for Music!" when interviewed by reporters. Makuta Mutran commented similiarly, saying, "Bring it on! For those who don't believe that the J2s can make it, BO CHAP LAH!"
Now, the Old Guard have left and the new J1s would soon be ascending into the next level. This is a momentous event and we of the Metru Nui Times would like to congratulate and well-wish the J1s.
This Chronicler would also like to offer a bit of advice for the upcoming J1s. It is this: while after A-levels may sound good, do not relish it too much. It would be the end of predictability in your lives as from now on, you would have to choose your paths more indpendently. 12 years of predictability in your lives are extremely precious, and you can easily plan what to do within the fixed system of the school curriculum. Without this, you will not know what to expect from now on as there is no longer any fixed path for you to follow.
Treasure your unity, Do your Duty, and Follow your Destiny. That is what this Chronicler would have to say about this to the present J1s. Treasure your Music Lessons too.
In honour of their achievements, the Metru Nui Philharmonic have arranged a concert to celebrate the leaving of the J2s at Kini Nui. Items are prepared in top secret of course, but this Chronicler managed to find out what some of the items are and who are the favourite soloists:
Bach's Brandenburg Concerto no.2 in F major BWV 1047. Soloists: Vamprah, Antroz and Chirox
Bach's Concerto for 2 Harpsichords in C major BWV 1061. Harpsichordists: Krika and Gorast
Gallo's Trio Sonatas nos. 1, 2, 8 and 11. Played by Les Barraki
Stravinsky's Octet, performed by the Piraka
Satie's Sonatine Bureaucratique. Pianist: Toa Matoro
Poulenc's Concert Champetre. Conducted by Turaga Nuju, with the harpsichordist as Toa Kopaka Nuva
Milhaud's Saudades do Brasil: Corcovado and Ipanema. Played by Les Barraki
Hindemith's Kammermusik no.7. Conducted by Turaga Matau, with the organist as Toa Kongu
The Chronicler would encourage all the Matoran of Metru Nui to come for this concert in celebration of the J2s'
Yes, everyone, it would be nice if you could go to that concert too. It is probably 7th or 6th of January 2009.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
lol. From a cute fwd email-
Element : WOMEN
Symbol : WO+
Atomic mass : Accepted as 53.6 Kg;
Isotopes may vary from 40-200kg.
Occurrence : Copious quantities in all urban areas.
1. Boils at room temperature
2. Freezes without any known reason.
3. Melts ifgiven special treatment.
4. Bitter, if incorrectly used.
5. Sweet as Honey if given a proper treatment.
1. Have great affinity for Gold, Silver and a range of precious stones and absorbs great quantities of expensive substances.
2. May explode spontaneously without prior warning and for no known reason.
3. Insoluble in liquids, but activity greatly increases by that.
4. Most powerful money reducing agent known to man.
1. Highly ornamental, especially in sports cars.
2. Can be great aid to relaxation.
1. Pure specimen turns rosy pink when happy.
2. Turns green when placed behind a better specimen.
illegal to possess more than one, although several can be maintained at different locations as long as specimens do not come in direct contact with each other.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Photos of Piano Camp on FB
Photos of Piano Camp are up on facebook. Only my Friends on Facebook have access to my photos, so please add me. Email address is and PLEASE identify yourself or I won't add you back.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Hello everyone, it is now FIXED (99.99% anyway) that the long-awaited MEP BBQ at my place will be on the 7th (or is it the 6th!) of Jan. Ms Tang has a musical on one of those days.
EVERYONE must turn up. And bring drinks. I will nag everyone to do so.
Listening to Tchaikovsky's 5th, wheee!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Diplomatic Protest Note (Zakaz)
An official comment by Makuta Krika, newly ascended Makuta of Zakaz and Makuta of part of the Northen Continent:
"I agree totally with the views (Identify) of my fellow Makuta, Gorast, (Stand)(sounds like AQ) because the comment associates us with creatures that are cunning, crafty, malicious, nefarious and malignant and do not have the intelligence due a Makuta. (Explanation)We too will not sit and watch our fellows become victims of such imperialistic rhetoric in a lackadaisical and passive manner. In addition, do not presume to associate us with Darth Vader or anything, because that is simply non sequitor. We are also annoyed by the French comment, given that it degrades us to things worse than Rahi. Furthermore, we do not like being alluded as figures of imagination, as we actually exist in a seperate time-space continuum. Moreover, all Makuta have differing personalities, so we can't possibly be the same person: each of us would have a different style of commenting. I fully agree that the Makuta Bloc must rally together to state our united response (or at least, our delegations since we are all in the Universe Core). We also ask for the support of other like-minded delegations like the resurgent League of Six Kingdoms Bloc, as well as other sympathetic and affable groups."
Makuta Spiriah, ex-Makuta of Zakaz could not be reached for comment.
2. The delegation of Zakaz would like to point out that contrary to most beliefs in the Music Room, Schoenberg can be counted as partially neo-classical as he uses previous dance forms, but has a different aesthetic and tonal language. In which case he is not really part of the movement as he did not have a general intent to do so.
3. The delegation of Zakaz is ambivalent towards the discussion of Uncle Sam's politics.
4. Remains seized on this matter.
Diplomatic Protest Note (Tren Kom peninsula)
An official comment by Makuta Gorast, Makuta of the Tren Kom Peninsula, Conquerer of the Visorak:
"We Makuta will not sit quietly (actually we are'nt in Karda Nui) and watch our fellows be supinely insulted by such comments. Neither will we accept being associated with neutralist, diminuitive, pernicious, arrogant and downright ugly creatures or their languages, customs and cultures. I call for a consolidation of the Makuta bloc to unite and resist such baseless accusations leveled at us"
2. The delegation of the Tren Kom peninsula would like to point out that contrary to popular thought in the Music Room, Stravinsky is not really associated with any particular country. He does not really consider societal influences when composing, just that of artistic and musical movements. In reference to a certain essay questions the J2s were doing.
3. Remains seized on this matter.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Summary of Matoran Convention Address
DISCLAIMER: The following content does NOT belong to me.
<--- Start of summary
Some inspiration (or headache) for J1s and J2s, since we are having A-levels or PW.
Turaga Dume's Address (in point form)
-J1, J2, IP3, IP4 students of NJC are taking their As/PW in the next two months
-It's a very important exam and everyone's under a lot of stress bla bla
-Let us give these students our support!
-These students have studied hard
-May they perform to their best
-J1s, all the best for your OP
-Grades aren't everything, it's the effort that counts
-It is now time to put all that you've learnt to use
-This is just the beginning of your journey towards your final goal
-Don't waver
-Press on
-Best of luck
-3 Matoran Virtues:Unity, Duty and Destiny
-now for updates from the Toa Nuva at Karda Nui
(End of Introductory address)
End of summary--->
Let's not be too picky about how summaries are supposed to be like, I probably left out some points but I think it can't be helped anyway. Sorry for breaking up your beautiful language too... I hate to admit this but it was pretty inspirational.
Now excuse me while I go rest (1) my fourth finger which is tired out from pressing the "backspace" key and (2) my head which is suffering from an overdose of flowery language.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Matoran Convention Address
Hence, let us all, Matoran, Makuta, Students alike, support these students in their endeavours that they may progress to their fullest extent, as they can all do with all the support they need as they traverse this difficult path to success.
Let us remember then the journeys of the Toa Nuva across the Universe Core, or Mangaia, or the Toa Mahri in the sea. Are not journeys like these similar to what these students may be going through? They have waited for so long before they have finally stepped onto this last path.
Let me also draw attention then to their preceding 2/4 years in the wondrous College. Have not they to put in their efforts throughout these years for this last step? They have worked hard, prospered within the Music Room, where the Boss holds dominion, put in extra hours for project work, studied, practiced, studied, composed and still studied some more for the final culmination of their labours. Go, then with our support, that this may be your finest hour yet, and then you may perform to the fullest extent of you ability.
As to the J1s, you have our support for your Projects that you may triumph over the last obstacle (Oral Presentation, I think) and excel to the highest of your qualities.
Even so, let me remind you (everyone present also) that it is not just grades that matter (although they are quite important), but also the knowledge that you have put in a good effort and doing your best, which is what too makes a difference, as you realise that you have tried you best to prosper. All these years you have learnt much from the College, under its aegis. It is now time to put that in practice.
Therefore, fellow NJCians, do not waver, but surge forward in your endeavours, and best of luck. Remember, the 3 Matoran Virtues: Unity, Duty and Destiny, given to us by the Great Spirit, Mata Nui. You have achieved Unity with each other, one of the many things found in this College, and have done your Duty to the College. Now, it is the time to work forward, and fulfil your Destiny, as the Great Spirit Mata Nui would agree, and I think I have the agreement of the Music Programme (and its Hierarchs) in this too.
And now for updates from the Toa Nuva at Karda Nui..."
Monday, October 20, 2008
BBQ at East Coast sounds good, can we have it on a weekday night if possible? Well it's some time away since J2s end quite late. But let me say outright that I'm not going to (1) cycle (2) blade (3) run (4) jog (5) play badminton which is to say I won't be involving myself in any strenuous physical activities. But monopoly and bridge - okay.
I don't mind swimming in sea! Well, paddling. Or sun-tanning. But am scared of mosquitoes and crabs which hide beneath the sand, they bite.
I presume the men will be starting the fire and doing the cooking. As well as the carrying of charcoal and drinks. I will bring snacks, so heavy, they are, don't you know.
Monday, October 13, 2008
~cleaning up~
Just wanna say, there's gonna be a clean up this Wednesday at the music room at 2pm!
We need to clean up stuff for open day so our rooms look nice and presentable so that maybe next year, we'll have a BIGGER music family!! X)
Yup. Please do come with your rags and all!
and we hardworking/sporting J1s can go play badminton after any of our many coming lessons (:
This was a pretty short post, but I'm pretty excited about it cos I just found out that you can BOOK pits at AXS machines which I never knew existed!
Decide on a date, decide on a date, decide on a date~
Saturday, October 11, 2008
just saying.
Hi all,
I have told the IP2s but I just need to rant that the Blues Concerto has been stuck in my head for the ENTIRE night. Ahhhhhhh. Talk about cheesy earworms.
So. Just to say that we'll be having holiday lessons (yes, IP1s and IP2s) for aural perception, a touch of history (opera for IP1s, 20th century opera/music for IP2s), harmony and free composition. Probably twice a week. This way, less work for next year, yes? :)
Also, I wanted to say that I enjoyed everyone's performance exam / recital (didn't get to listen to J2s though). Am very happy that all of you have put in loads of effort. All of you have improved so much! And there is so much potential still. Please continue working hard, results will come along, you'll see.
Of course, there'll be loads of disappointments along the way, many falls, hard ones too, but I dare say that the satisfaction derived from the product of your creative impulses (be it performing or composing) is well worth it. Even more so when it is shared with your friends, yes? That there is this common understanding and bond between us all through the love and joy of music, which is something that not many people out of MEP can understand. Hours of practising (anyone joined the facebook group "I can't... I've rehearsal"), hours spent arguing over form and harmonic progressions (the 2nd subject is HERE, not there), hours spent drawing black notes on lines and asking yourself 'why does it still sound wrong!' (check out facebook group "Everytime you write a parallel 5th, Bach kills a kitten"), things like that.
To a certain extent, your MEP friends will always be a very special bunch to you. (I mean, how many people actually understand what ritornello form or neoclassicism is...) Nothing like shared experience. :) I'm happy all of you get along well. Treasure one another!
Okay, late already. See you all tomorrow. Good night, and good luck.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Diplomatic comment
Note: Urtext scores available in the NJC Music Ensemble Library. Scores available:
- Sandcastles Afloat by Andrew Ng
- Celtic Dance by Rachel Ong
- Prelude Chinois: The Great Aerial Fantasia by Phoon Yu
2. Would like to inform the rest of the music community that the J2s end on the 26th of November, last paper being music.
3. Would like to bring to attention the violation of Karda Nui airspace and seaspace by the Brotherhood of Makuta, and propose that the community finds a resolution, as this violates the UN Charter: Chapter VI:
"In any dispute that might endanger international peace and security, all parties must seek resolution via negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or other peaceful means"
4. Affirms concord with the Music Programme of NJC.
5.Wishes good luck to the J1s in their promotional examination results, particularly music. Composition sure is tough, take it from your beloved seniors.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Hello all! Just to say that Mr Seow has managed to get a FULL subsidy for the Messiaen concert! Hurrah! Now waiting to hear if the IP2s can make it for both the workshop and concert. (They have subject combi day, anyone knows how long that will take? Parents have to be in college at 530pm.)
Also, just to remind everyone that we WILL be having a MEP bbq/dinner/piano session at my house when the J2s are done with their exams. J2s, when do you end?
Time to mark!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
The FREE meal Mr Seow could have had...
After our practicals on Friday, we went to Seoul Garden for a feast (the same one Mr Seow could have had for free if only he was free that day.) As promised, here are the photos of the day, though I realized that there were more photos of dead stuff than people.
Presenting to you, J1 music class 2008~ (from right to left)
Let's get those cushions/rug/shoe rack real soon! and I can't wait for our BBQ/badminton~
*pictures blurred due to the high speeds pictures' subjects
Friday, October 3, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Consolation Note
An extract from a letter by Hod Rumnt, Prophet of Mercy, High Charity, to the NJC Music Programme:
“On behalf of the Covenant, may I give the NJC Music Programme my greatest condolences and that they may receive solace and comfort of such a duckie of great pulchritude. May they take heart that she has passed on unto the halls of the Forerunners, and that she may be forever be peaceful and escape the sordid woes of the world. Indeed, sometimes a loss may serve to remind us of how precious and transient life is, and that we may learn to treasure it more. I also convey my sympathies to Woes’ Husband, that he may learn from the loss of his Beloved and that he may learn more lessons about life and love in the future, to prevent a repetition of the tragedy. Indeed, Duckie Woes has led an eventful life, according to her epitaph. Let not our lives be less uneventful, as a tribute to her.”
On a side note, the Hierarchs met Duckie Woes at a party at the Covenant colony of Joyous Exultation at System Salia.
The Hierarchs have declared, in sympathy with the NJC Music Programme, a one day holiday in High Charity on the 2nd of October in respect of Woes’ death and to celebrate the ending of A-level practical for the J2s. The Hierarchs have also blacklisted Mumpy and Mr. Woes from entering High Charity.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
[removed: Treachery, deceit, love and hate...]
Saturday, September 27, 2008
The Hunter becomes of age...
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The Torture is OVER... (for now, at least)
Monday, September 15, 2008
Diplomatic note
1. The delegation of High Charity would like to affirm that High Charity is a hieropolis, not a spaceship.
2. The delegation of High Charity would like to affirm that the writer has erroneously mentioned ‘Counsel of Untruths’. It should be ‘Prophet of Truth’ or ‘Ex-Minister of Fortitude’. Saying otherwise would be like saying 'samoyed' is an Arbiter or Makuta, neither of which is true anyway.
3. The delegation of High Charity would like to affirm that it is not 6 ‘sub-factions’, which would indicate that there has been an internal split within the houses. It is 6 houses in 2 alliances.
4. The delegation of High Charity would like to affirm that the executive committee has is deciding on whether to include the duck and lion in the story as extra characters, like Swarm commanders.
5. The delegation of High Charity would like to affirm that the first part has come out on the computer with the holy city as the background.
6. The delegation of High Charity would like to affirm concord with NJC music programme.
7. Remains seized on this matter.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
be careful what u wish for o.0
hey yo lol.
soft toys story.. soft toys store picturebook even better ^^
have a feeling the storyline will appear on a certain com with the spaceship looking backgrd, written by our darling Counsel of Untruths, incorporating the greatness of a certain group of the NJ community and its 6 dividing sub-factions are.. maybe the NJC lion (and duck) will make an appearance too XD
we might even have a musical *gasp*
i think this is long enough to qualify as 'blogging' haha.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Bye my dear comrades
To the Revolutionaries
2. The delegation of High Charity affirms support to debates on musical matters by all participants.
3.Remains seized on the matter.
PS: Can we announce music concerts on the blog too?
Monday, September 8, 2008
2 min to spare
Hello all! Was thinking we could use this blog for announcements as well - just that I'm not sure how often all of you actually read this. We'll see how things go, but as things stand, we'll stick to the texts and calls.
Just to reiterate for the IPs - your practical exam will be split up into two:
1. Open recital on the 7th/8th October from 8-930am. 20%. Entire IP cohort in attendance.
2. Closed-door recital, date to be decided, but definitely after the open recital. 80%. Your aural awareness exam will be conducted together with this practical exam i.e. sight-reading, sight-singing in different clefs and the likes.
All three teachers will be adjudicating the practical exams.
To work, to work.