Saturday, October 11, 2008

just saying.

Hi all,

I have told the IP2s but I just need to rant that the Blues Concerto has been stuck in my head for the ENTIRE night. Ahhhhhhh. Talk about cheesy earworms.

So. Just to say that we'll be having holiday lessons (yes, IP1s and IP2s) for aural perception, a touch of history (opera for IP1s, 20th century opera/music for IP2s), harmony and free composition. Probably twice a week. This way, less work for next year, yes? :)

Also, I wanted to say that I enjoyed everyone's performance exam / recital (didn't get to listen to J2s though). Am very happy that all of you have put in loads of effort. All of you have improved so much! And there is so much potential still. Please continue working hard, results will come along, you'll see.

Of course, there'll be loads of disappointments along the way, many falls, hard ones too, but I dare say that the satisfaction derived from the product of your creative impulses (be it performing or composing) is well worth it. Even more so when it is shared with your friends, yes? That there is this common understanding and bond between us all through the love and joy of music, which is something that not many people out of MEP can understand. Hours of practising (anyone joined the facebook group "I can't... I've rehearsal"), hours spent arguing over form and harmonic progressions (the 2nd subject is HERE, not there), hours spent drawing black notes on lines and asking yourself 'why does it still sound wrong!' (check out facebook group "Everytime you write a parallel 5th, Bach kills a kitten"), things like that.

To a certain extent,  your MEP friends will always be a very special bunch to you. (I mean, how many people actually understand what ritornello form or neoclassicism is...) Nothing like shared experience. :) I'm happy all of you get along well. Treasure one another!

Okay, late already. See you all tomorrow. Good night, and good luck.

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