Thursday, November 6, 2008

Diplomatic Protest Note (Zakaz)

1. The delegation of Zakaz (Skakdi delegation) would like to concur with the Delegation of Tren Kom, and protest the suggestion that we are basically nonsensical. This impugns our diplomatic honour.

An official comment by Makuta Krika, newly ascended Makuta of Zakaz and Makuta of part of the Northen Continent:

"I agree totally with the views (Identify) of my fellow Makuta, Gorast, (Stand)(sounds like AQ) because the comment associates us with creatures that are cunning, crafty, malicious, nefarious and malignant and do not have the intelligence due a Makuta. (Explanation)We too will not sit and watch our fellows become victims of such imperialistic rhetoric in a lackadaisical and passive manner. In addition, do not presume to associate us with Darth Vader or anything, because that is simply non sequitor. We are also annoyed by the French comment, given that it degrades us to things worse than Rahi. Furthermore, we do not like being alluded as figures of imagination, as we actually exist in a seperate time-space continuum. Moreover, all Makuta have differing personalities, so we can't possibly be the same person: each of us would have a different style of commenting. I fully agree that the Makuta Bloc must rally together to state our united response (or at least, our delegations since we are all in the Universe Core). We also ask for the support of other like-minded delegations like the resurgent League of Six Kingdoms Bloc, as well as other sympathetic and affable groups."

Makuta Spiriah, ex-Makuta of Zakaz could not be reached for comment.

2. The delegation of Zakaz would like to point out that contrary to most beliefs in the Music Room, Schoenberg can be counted as partially neo-classical as he uses previous dance forms, but has a different aesthetic and tonal language. In which case he is not really part of the movement as he did not have a general intent to do so.

3. The delegation of Zakaz is ambivalent towards the discussion of Uncle Sam's politics.

4. Remains seized on this matter.

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