Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Inauguration

This was found in the newspaper website, on 12th of February. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this website, it was formerly known as The Mata Nui Times. It has since, following recent events, become the state-sponsored propaganda arm of Makuta Teridax. This was drawn from a recent reporting done at a recent conference by Tanma.

As follows:


Today, at an inaugural press conference, our Dear Leader proceeded to welcome the arrival of new music students into the midst of the NJCians. On behalf of 'the citizens of the Makutaverse', as he insists on calling his rightful domain, he congralutated the Hunter on receiving such good music geniuses, and encouraged the students to greater heights and not to give up. He then proceeded to dedicate the opening address to giving advice, encouraging and supporting the new JH1s, JH3s, and SH1s.

As follows:

"NJC friends, I come to you in the wake of recent events to issue a clarion call to reason. Let no music student deny the perils of our time. While we battle one another, divided by the petty strife of irrational antagonism, the tide of a greater conflict is turning against us, threatening to destroy all that we have accomplished. It is time for you as friends and comrades in music to set aside our differences and unite! The tides of an unwinnable examination are upon you'all, and you must seek refuge on higher ground, or be swept away by the Tides of Darkness.

The old music syllabus of neoclassicism is no more. Whatever semblance of concordance, familiarity and protection it once provided is a phantom, a memory. With a new topic of Nationalism on the onslaught for the A-Levels, who will you turn to for protection? The devastation that will be wrought by these frequent changes of syllabus will be self-evident. You may quake under Copland, or shiver under Bartok. Students shall struggle with Gamelan and Indian music. Unprecedented, even unthinkable, and unimaginable though they may be, these are the signs of our time. They are the prophetic oracles of that which is to come. Soon, you would be swept aside in the ensuing flood of despair in the chaos

The time has come, music students, to rally to a new banner. One that is aligned to your common venerable cause. In duty lies purpose, unity lies strength, and destiny lies hope! Already, many dissident music enthusiasts have joined your great Alliance. Out of the many, you shall forge an indivisible and unbreakable whole, bounded together by your love of music and comradeship! And from the Coliseum, I shall step forth to watch over you!

From this day forward, let no music student clash with any other like-minded comrade. Let no student conspire against this new egression. And let no student consort with your nemesis. And to all the enemies of NJC Music Programme, seek not to bar their way, for they shall win through, no matter the cost!

We of Metru Nui have always been behind you. Despite the change in leadership, I shall uphold the charge of my predecessors and become the stalwart defender of your grand cause! Fare you well, young geniuses! And remember, treasure the three virtues of Unity, Duty and Destiny. They shall be your sole compass in this consuming tides of evil.

And now regarding the economic recession in Metru Nui..."

Wise advice indeed. The Great One has indeed emphasised the importance for the group to stay unified regardless of their differences. Temporal differences must be swept aside to support each other to maintain their interest in music.'


'Later, when questioned, opposition members also agreed with the Grand Hierarch's words, despite their obvious distastes for our Leader. Opposition leader Turaga Dume (pronounced Du-ma) stated that music students, as "young geniuses", must "step forth and receive their talents as heirlooms, accepting it and nurturing it to bear fruit". Most other citizens of Metru Nui were also in concord with our Dear Leader.

And with that, this correspondent wishes the students good luck in their future music endeavors.'

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